Why use a menstrual cup?

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Why should you consider using a menstrual cup?

Why use a menstrual cup

Why are women currently raving about alternative period products and in particular the use of a menstrual cup?

During, the past decade more and more focus has been placed on using products that are environmental friendly and even feminine hygiene products are acquiring huge attention with the renewed focus on reusable menstrual cups instead of tampons or sanitary pads.

Even government and private organizations are offering seminars and increasing awareness about the benefits and use of menstrual cups.

WHAT IS A MENSTRUAL CUP? It is a small bell-shaped product made from flexible medical grade silicone. It is reusable and worn in the vaginal canal. Menstrual cups are available in different shapes and sizes, and is used to collect menstrual fluid, which can then be disposed of in the toilet.

The top 5 reasons for switching to a menstrual cup would be:

  1. Financial benefit / saving money
  2. Going green
  3. Convenience and comfort
  4. Holding more liquid and less leakage & get more hours in between changes
  5. Medical / health benefits

Let’s look at more detail with regards to each of these:

  1. Financial benefit of menstrual cups / saving money

I think you will agree with me that disposable period products are rather expensive (that is excluding all the extras such as period pain relief products and even comfort chocolates during “that” time of the month).

Did you know that a woman up to around the age of 52 who does not have kids could have an estimate of 480 periods? Consider using about 22 tampons or sanitary pads each month and that will give you about 10500 sanitary products in your lifetime.

A 41-year-old lady called Denise has saved over £350 in five years while using a reusable silicone menstrual cup.

You could spend between £5-£10 per month which does not sound expensive but multiplied by 12 and by 40 could cost you around £2500+, without inflation or price increases taken into consideration, only on your period products.

Prices for menstrual cups vary from around £7 – £25 and can last for many years, saving you money and saving the planet.

  1. Going green

Have you ever thought about the amount of waste that is generated from all the tampons, plastic applicators, panty liners and sanitary pads that are being disposed from monthly periods? It is estimated around 200 000 tons wastage per year, with the average menstruater throwing away around 200-300 lbs of disposable period products in her lifetime.

One of the best eco-friendly options to consider if you want to go green with your period is to look at using a menstrual cup you might only use 5 -10 cups in a lifetime instead of 10000+ tampons or sanitary pads.

  1. Convenience and comfort

Just think about how creative you have been with hiding tampons and sanitary pads all over to always make sure you do not run into an uncomfortable situation, with a menstrual cup you will always have all you need inside your body already (you do not need to smuggle anything extra with you everywhere you go during your periods).

Anyone who has previously used a tampon especially without the applicator would find it very easy to insert and use a menstrual cup (it might take a little bit of practice – remember the discomfort you had and mistakes you made when you first started using tampons).

You also never have to dispose of or must try and hide a tampon while camping or in situations where you don’t know where to dispose it.

If you love travelling a menstrual cup is essential due to the little space it will take.

  1. Holding more liquid and less leakage & get more hours in between changes

With a tampon or sanitary pad, you most likely must frequently go to the bathroom to check if there is no leakage or must replace it every time you use the toilet.

Most likely with your cycle there might only be one day during which you would have to empty your cup more than once. You could wear a menstrual cup for up to 12 hours. Just imagine putting it in early morning and forgetting about it for the rest of the day until you get home again – you can therefor insert it in the comfort of your own home and take it out in the comfort of your own home.

The estimate volume of an A cup would be about 25ml which will be the equivalent of three super tampons.

  1. Medical / health benefits

If you buy processed food in a supermarket you get a detailed explanation of all the ingredients but with tampons or sanitary pads there are no regulations to indicate what it is made of and most likely it will only state that it is made of safe absorbent materials.

In the UK most tampons are made with either bleached rayon or cotton or a mixture of both and most likely would contain small traces of dioxin (which is carcinogenic). There is currently a lot of research about the long-term effects and safety of tampons.

Using a menstrual cup will help you to maintain the delicate pH and bacterial balance in your vagina and most likely reduce the risk of bacterial infections like thrush. It also helps some women to have better sexual intercourse due to decreased dryness of the vagina.

Less cramping could also be experienced normally caused in response to the chemicals in a tampon that might be irritating the vaginal wall.

Also less smell due to the fact that a menstrual cup seals inside of you and menstrual fluid does not get in contact with the air.

So, considering some of the above-mentioned reasons, do you think you might consider the option of using a menstrual cup? If yes, please let me know if you have any further questions or if you are willing to test some of the products and give some feedback or reviews (click here to send me an email).